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We spent all day in the back of a Tuk Tuk driven by our friend and driver, Mr Sok. We started at the famous temple of Angkor Wat. We marveled at the amazing detail carved into every stone. We sat in a quite corner an thought of friends and family, whom we miss so much. We watched as the monkeys descended from the jungle and perched up on walls and statues as if taking in the view. From there we drove to Bayon Temple just a few kilometers away. Each major spire within Bayon features a massive stone face textured with monochromatic shades of gray and the occasional patch of moss. We finished the day at Ta Prhom where moist reds and greens still permeate the temple’s walls and the 400 year old tree roots seem to gracefully grow around and through the ancient stone construction. After nine hours of sight seeing we arrived home invigorated to do it all over again tomorrow.