Day 22: Gas Mask

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Today I will sleep all day. It was absurd to think that I could survive the unguarded coughs and mucus laden streets of China without getting a cold. I always snickered at the mouth covers pervasive in the media after the swine flu outbreak. Now that I have a cold, I want a gas mask =)

Dia 22: Un Dia En El Hostal

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Lastimosamente e inevitablemente a Graeson le dio gripa. Era de esperarse cuando higiene y el concepto de taparse la boca al estornudar o toser no existe aqui. El pobre estuvo durmiendo en el hostal la mayoria del dia y yo como buena enfermera me dedique a conseguir te, sopitas ramen y chocolate para que mejorara. Con un poco mas de fuerza logramos salir un ratico del hostal para comer y conseguir sin suerte Wifi para conectarnos a internet. Compramos pasajes para ir a Hong Kong en una semana, intentamos conseguir hostal pero a falta de internet en el momento nada de casita para dormir.

Day 21: Booyah!


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We arrived in Shanghai this morning at 7:00 am. Emboldened by our big city experience in Beijing, we found the subway and hopped on line 10 to East Nanjing Street. After the mandatory “we’re lost in a big city” exercise, we found the hostel. Our first hostel situated on the 6th floor of a 30 floor apartment building. At first, this was a surprise, but in retrospect that’s what Shanghai is all about (enormous buildings).

After checking into a room no bigger than our train’s accommodations, we headed back to the subway aiming for the Yuyuan Gardens. We exited the subway to the sound of “watch, purse, iphone” which More

Dia 21: El Jardin Yuyuan de Shanghai

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Despues de un largo viaje llegamos al hostal, dejamos las maletas y  decidimos visitar el Yuyuan Garden. Nos montamos al subway y con la experiencia en Beijing, llegamos super facil. Alrededor del parque, calles completamente llenas de gente y puesto tras puesto de ventas. Abanicos, ropa,juguetes,palitos chinos y esculturas en madera todas listas para ser compradas por turistas. Entramos al jardin y que contraste. Estructuras elevadas en agua,con puentes y flores en silencio, la gente sentada viendo More

Day 20: Sleeper Train

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Today we left Xi’An on the 5 o’clock train to Shanghai. Anxious about our last train ride, we had our fingers crossed for a better experience. We boarded the train and walked towards car 8, the ticket lady said “Right, please”. We quickly found our 4 person dorm and settled in. Ingrid had the bottom bunk and I had the top. We waited with anticipation to meet our 14-hour roomies. In walked a young Chinese soldier with his girlfriend. We exchanged “Ni How’s” and smiles. The endearing solider explained that he was training to be an astronaut and had been with his girlfriend for 3 years. The train bell rung and the solider extended his hand as to say goodbye. I responded and we shook hands. He bent over and gave his girlfriend an embarrassed kiss on the lips and left. He stood outside of the train on the platform and walked alongside the train as we departed. They waved and gazed and smiled. The fourth bunk remained empty.

Dia 20: En Tren Con Cama Si Viajo

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Nos levantamos tarde, dejamos nuestras maletas ya empecadas en el hostal y nos fuimos al mercado a comprar la lonchera para el tren. Dos ramen, naranjas, te y snickers. Super preparados nos fuimos a la estacion a esperar el tren. A diferencia del anterior en el que compramos los tiquetes mas baratos en el tren mas lento, en este compramos los mejores tiquetes en el tren mas rapido. Cabina con dos camarotes, cada uno con una cama y la suerte de tener no  solo una rooomate sino una que durmio las 14 horas de viaje. Relajados comimos ramen, vimos dos peliculas( The Social Network y Toy Story 3) y nos dormimos hasta que nos dijeron que habiamos llegado a Shanghai. En tren con cama si viajo! No  me hubiera importado compartir la cabina con otras dos personas, que prendieran luces y hablaran sin saber que dicen, con tal de tener una cama para dormir voy a donde sea.:)

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